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anyone interested? i need inputs/comments/suggestions re an incident involving a PUV (jeepney) and relectless pedestrian

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Arresto Menor

i just wanna try to ask for inputs/comments/suggestions re this incident. my mom's health is at risk because of this and i am looking forward to file a complaint (if my argument will be proven to have basis, if not then i'll settle this with the family).

so this how the incident took place.

november 20, between 3:30 to 4:00 in the afternoon: we arrived at the town proper and passengers started to alight the vehicle. the jeepney run at slow pace due to pedestrians utilizing the sidewalk.

when suddenly, a child (around 5 to 7 years old) ran into the road. the  jeepney missed the child because he was pulled by her mother. passengers alighted the vehicle and observed the child and his family. a traffic enforcer also ran into the scene.

i also alighted from our jeepney (i was in the front so i also saw the actual event but cannot contest fully due to relation to the driver). my father, who was the driver,secured first the vehicle at the side of the road before going to the scene.

the child was crying (subjective observation: crying due to shock and maybe hurt by the way she was pulled by her mother) but pacify the moment he was carried by her mother. questions were asked to the mother if the child was hurt but there was no answer coming directly from the mother. she asked if the child was feeling hurt but the child said nothing. during this time, the passenger of our jeepney kept on telling that the child wasn't hit because he was pulled. the traffic enforcer also inspected the child's legs and declared that there was no mark caused by vehicle. note that the child's legs have marks and scars due to skin infection (ok. this is subjected but lease excuse the term: galis).

my father also offered to bring the child to the hospital but there was no response. after the family was asked if the child was ok and the mother said yes.. the crowd soon disappeared, and traffic enforcer also came back to his post and my father came back to our jeepney (note that there were passengers left in the vehicle waiting to be driven to the public market few meters away from the scene). i was still standing there looking at the mother and for the last time asked if everything's alright. satisfied with their response, i went back to my father and we went to our way.

sunday came. to our shock, we were informed by my uncle that there was a traffic enforcer (lets call him B) looking after our jeepney. that morning (around 9 am), i and my sister went to the town and had a talk with B. "A" was with us during the entire talk.

please note that B is different from the traffic enforcer (lets call him A) who was present on the day the incident happened. B identified himself as the uncle of the child. according to him, the mother told him that the child was hit by our jeepney and sustained an injury in the upper part of his foot).

"A" reacted that the child was wearing rubber shoes with long socks making it impossible that the injury was because of our jeepney. "A" also insisted that he examined the legs of the child.

after our concerns were delivered, "A" insisted that he was only acting based on what the mother said. he called the mother's child several times but conversations were not echoed to us despite of my efforts.

"A" shown us the prescriptions of the doctor and a receipt for an x-ray examination. he claimed that those receipts were due to the injury which they claimed was our responsibility.

with intentions to tell my father about the talk, i told them that we will wait for the result of the xray before giving our statement. we were informed that result will be out on wednesday.

wednesday came. the result was negative. no broken bone. but the mother keeps on calling/texting me about the condition of the child and asking for "panggastos". i replied na "pinaninindigan namin na walang nangyari sa bata dahil sa sasakyan namin."


ok. guys, i am sorry for the long post. i just wanna try to present to you the whole picture.

i am planning to come back home (i am at manila right now) and ask for a written testimony from sir "A" and the doctor who examined the child.

questions: 1. can i file a complaint against the family for the anxiety it caused to my mom (she was suffering from high blood pressure) and for the money i spent for this? and the stressed it caused to me (in re: with their text message, which read as follows: slmat s dy0s at wlang msmang nngyari s anak q0h sna lng wag n mangyari s mga kptid m0h nanyari s anak q0h.salamat)

2. if ever that A & B changed their statements, can i file a complaint against them? please note that we have way to check. and for what grounds?

3. can i complaint the mother of the child of child neglectfulness?


please provide inputs/comments/suggestions. thank you for reading and considering this post.

hoping to hear anything from you soon.


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