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Transfer of Land Title

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1Transfer of Land Title Empty Transfer of Land Title Tue Nov 02, 2010 1:15 pm


Arresto Menor

Hello Sir, mgta2nong lng po ako regarding sa problem nmen sa lupa sa cavite... Bale nakapangalan dw ung titulo nun sa Lolo ng father ko at sa Tatay at Nanay ng Father ko...

Bale ung Lolo ko na lang ung nbubuhay sa knilang tatlo.. Balak ng i-transfer ung Titulo at hatiin ung Lupa sa mga anak nya kabilang ung father ko... kaso humahabol ung kapatid ng Lola ko (Tiyo ng Father ko)... May maku2ha bng share ung Kapatid ng Lola ko?

Thank Sir,

2Transfer of Land Title Empty Re: Transfer of Land Title Tue Nov 02, 2010 5:54 pm



it depends on what is his basis to claim ownership. if he believes he is entitled as an heir, he is not correct.

3Transfer of Land Title Empty Re: Transfer of Land Title Fri Nov 26, 2010 9:50 pm


Arresto Menor

Depending on what state you live, but the owner must sign a deed to the property transferred to the new owner. The reception of the document, a title search to ensure that the property is free of fees and charges, and any other matters which may disturb the title.

4Transfer of Land Title Empty Re: Transfer of Land Title Sat Dec 25, 2010 1:54 am


Arresto Menor

If the government allocates the land, then the rule of law, the Trust enters into force, but this land is allocated by the army, so there are different rules and conditions will be issued an allotment letter assigned when allocated in the award letter , who prescribe certain conditions on the conditions.

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