There's a new wage order #21 for increase of P21 in Basic:
From WO #20:
basic P481.00 + allow P10.00 = P491.00
To WO #21 :
Basic P502.00 + allow P10.00 = P512.00
Formula for wage distortion is:
minimum wage W#20/ existing wage x increase rate WO#21 = add to existing wage
My question is what if I am earning basic P597 per day + allow P50.00 = P647 total per day.
1.Is determining existing wage =Total per day meaning basic + allowance?
2. will this be the right formula (below) to get how much increase I will get?
P491 (481 basic+10 allow)/ P647 (597 basic+50 allow) x 21.00 = P15.94 -will this be my increase?
so my New Rate will be :
basic rate =P612.94 (P597.00 + P15.94 = P612.94)
allowance =P 50.00
Total per date=P662.94
3. what if the existing wage has no allowance only receiving P597.00 basic? will I use P481 or P491 as WO minimum wage to get the wage distortion?
which of the below is the correct way to compute, A or B?
A. 491/597x 21 = P17.27 increase for WO#21
B. 481/597 x 21 =P16.92 increase for WO#21
Hope to hear from you po. thanks very much