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wage distortion

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1wage distortion Empty wage distortion Tue Aug 04, 2015 8:09 pm


Arresto Menor

i would like clarification on this matter. For example, we are 2 supervisors in a company, we got the same grades in our latest appraisal..We got the same increase in our basic but our allowance are different although our company is using a matrix or table wherein there is corresponding increase in basic & allowance based on the grade given in the appraisal.

Is this classified as salary distortion? Can this be filed with the DOLE?

Thank you

2wage distortion Empty Re: wage distortion Wed Aug 05, 2015 10:06 am


Reclusion Perpetua

racky08 wrote:i would like clarification on this matter. For example, we are 2 supervisors in a company, we got the same grades in our latest appraisal..We got the same increase in our basic but our allowance are different although our company is using a matrix or table wherein there is corresponding increase in basic & allowance based on the grade given in the appraisal.

Is this classified as salary distortion? Can this be filed with the DOLE?

Thank you

No and no.

In the first place, you are not supposed to be discussing such confidential information with others.

3wage distortion Empty wage distortion Wed Aug 05, 2015 10:34 am


Arresto Menor

Thank you and my apologies on discussing this confdential matter. I really don't know and this is the reason that I asked and posted my query

4wage distortion Empty Re: wage distortion Wed Aug 05, 2015 7:43 pm


Reclusion Perpetua

I mean - you shouldn't be discussing and knowing salaries with your co-employees.

5wage distortion Empty Re: wage distortion Wed Aug 05, 2015 8:01 pm


Arresto Menor

ok thank you but it was my co-employee who discussed it with me..and also I think it is a problem within the company because some matters that should be confidential are not always confidential

6wage distortion Empty Re: wage distortion Wed Aug 05, 2015 8:03 pm


Arresto Menor

also, can you please check the e-mail I sent today.. I could really use some advise on this matter

7wage distortion Empty Re: wage distortion Wed Aug 05, 2015 8:19 pm


Reclusion Perpetua

racky08 wrote:also, can you please check the e-mail I sent today.. I could really use some advise on this matter

I already answered that above.

No it's not distortion - salary distortion relates to adjustments necessary when the minimum wage is increased.

And I don't think any complaint you file about this matter will be ruled in your favor.

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