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How much to give for Child Support

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1How much to give for Child Support Empty How much to give for Child Support Fri Oct 06, 2017 9:30 am


Arresto Menor


I'm a married w/ 2 kids (age 13 & 7) to my estranged wife. We've been separated for the last 7 years and have our own families. I've been providing financial support to my kids (around 6,000/month) without any written agreement. Just recently, i was asked to rest for 5 months by my company so i can recover from my sickness. I then advise my estranged wife that i'll stop sending money for the meantime until i get back to work. She then became furious and threaten to file a case if i stopped sending money. Here are my questions:
1. Can she force me to provide financial support even if i'm not capable at the moment?
2. Can i decrease the amount that i'm currently providing since i also have a child to finance w/ my current partner who's not working at the moment?
3. What case can i file against her since she's also threatening my current family?

2How much to give for Child Support Empty Re: How much to give for Child Support Mon Oct 09, 2017 7:41 am

tsi ming choi

Reclusion Perpetua

1. No. As for the moment that you have no work.
2. Yes you can decrease it, the obligation to give support is dependent on your capability to give.
3. You cannot file a case because that threat(related to support) is considered as legal threat.

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