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Compress Work Week

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1Compress Work Week Empty Compress Work Week Thu Jul 27, 2017 2:16 am


Arresto Menor

Hi, I am seeking your advice regarding CWW. The company starts from 48 hours way back many years ago and it refuse the house work to 44 hrs. The employees are paid base on 48 hours. Newly hired now being paid base on 44 hours since the company is operating 44 hours as regular work week. then again, the company compress the 4 hours week of saturday and distributed it from Monday -thursday buy adding 1 hour a day.

my concern is,
1. Since we are operating 44 hours a week, when will the overtime starts exceeding 44 hours or 48 hours?

2. I want to clarify if 44 hours week for CWW is legal cos it confuses me that DOLE said it should be 48 hours but some companies work only for 5 days =40 hours a week. Isn't it 44 hours is better than 48 hours?
Then I talked to a dole employee, the 44 hours per week is not illegal cos company has the prerogative to do so. Can you please enlighten me about this?

3. I recently knew that CWW should be notified at DOLE, the form of CWW needs the effectivity of the CWW and i didn't know the exact date already since its 5 to 6 years ago. Should I just indicate the current date instead? I want to make things right to avoid problems in the future.

4. the company is still having newly hired employee since they came to the company operation 44 hours work week, do I need to explain to them that the company is operating at compress work week?

Thank you so much for your help. I do appreciate it very much.


2Compress Work Week Empty Re: Compress Work Week Thu Jul 27, 2017 8:44 am


Reclusion Perpetua

you are working 6 days a week x 8 hours = 48 hours

you said company is adding 1 hour, monday to thursday, so that's 4 x 9 = 36 + 8 = 44 hours. Are you still working 4 hours on Saturday?

yes, a compressed work week is allowed provided they notify DOLE.

3Compress Work Week Empty Re: Compress Work Week Thu Jul 27, 2017 7:00 pm


Arresto Menor

Thank you sa reply po.

We are no longer working 48 hours a week but instead CWW na 44 hours na lang.

Monday to Thursday 9 hrs x 4 = 36 hours
Friday                                        8 hours
                             Total       = 44 hours
no work on saturdays na.

My concern :
1. since we work 44 hours a week when will I start counting for overtime work after 44 hours or 48 hours?

2. Will Dole question me or penalise the company if I will submit my notification to them just now for the CWW? Kasi matagal na ng CWW company yet we didn't know we need to notify Dole.

3. Are we violating the law of CWW if 44 hours of work week instead of 48? cos i read that CWW should be 48 hours daw but what i said earlier there are company who work only for 5 day=40 hours and the law permits them so i can't see any wrong of CWW for 44 hours ... i just want to clarify lang kasi more clearer ...

4Compress Work Week Empty Re: Compress Work Week Fri Jul 28, 2017 6:53 am


Reclusion Perpetua

1. Try to find the memo or policy on the CWW program. some companies have their OT start after the first 9 work hours on monday - thursday. Some companies so it after the first 44 hours or 48 hours. this depends on what was submitted to DOLE.

2. yes, if there is no documented program about CWW and you changed it to 9 hours work per day, you have violated the 8 work hours per day as stated in the labor code.

3. No. law stated the maximum work hours per week @ 48 hours, lessening it would not be a violation.

5Compress Work Week Empty Re: Compress Work Week Fri Jul 28, 2017 7:41 am


Reclusion Perpetua

Since you are in a CWW, overtime should start after 44 hours.

Submit the documentation to DOLE now and explain when you started doing CWW.

6Compress Work Week Empty Re: Compress Work Week Sat Jul 29, 2017 11:32 pm


Arresto Menor

i found an CWW form at the website but at the bottom it indicated Intramuros Manila. our office is in Quezon city now can I use that form? or each Dole office has there own CWW form that I should use?

Is it a requirement of DOLE or Labor Law that a company should have an 'Employment Contract' in hiring new employees?

7Compress Work Week Empty Re: Compress Work Week Sun Jul 30, 2017 11:56 am


Reclusion Perpetua

no an employment contract is not required. it is advisable though to avoid "he said she said" situations where the employer and employee dispute what was agreed upon re their employment

8Compress Work Week Empty Re: Compress Work Week Sun Jul 30, 2017 11:37 pm


Arresto Menor

how about the CWW form is it ok to use the Intramuros Manila form and submit it to Quezon City?

Thank you for your help. Appreciate it very much

9Compress Work Week Empty Re: Compress Work Week Mon Jul 31, 2017 1:40 am


Reclusion Perpetua

you should ask dole re that

10Compress Work Week Empty Re: Compress Work Week Wed Aug 02, 2017 4:33 pm

Capt Ragnar

Capt Ragnar
Arresto Mayor

Patok wrote:Since you are in a CWW, overtime should start after 44 hours.

Submit the documentation to DOLE now and explain when you started doing CWW.

You can compute the OT Pay when your employees exceeded the 44 hours on a weekly basis, since that is how the operation of your company adopts and then follow sir patok suggestion.

11Compress Work Week Empty Re: Compress Work Week Wed Aug 02, 2017 9:51 pm


Arresto Menor

Capt Ragnar wrote:
Patok wrote:Since you are in a CWW, overtime should start after 44 hours.

Submit the documentation to DOLE now and explain when you started doing CWW.

You can compute the OT Pay when your employees exceeded the 44 hours on a weekly basis, since that is how the operation of your company adopts and then follow sir patok suggestion.

Sir, what if employees are ask to come in for meeting on saturday. Since OT is a per day basis so Saturday OT starts after the 8th hours for that day?

Thank for your reply po.

12Compress Work Week Empty Re: Compress Work Week Thu Aug 03, 2017 12:07 am


Reclusion Perpetua

if saturday is considered a rest day, then hour 1 already has premium. kay you should apply sa dole re the Cww, whatever they approve will be the guidelines as to when OT starts etc

13Compress Work Week Empty Re: Compress Work Week Thu Aug 03, 2017 11:39 am

Capt Ragnar

Capt Ragnar
Arresto Mayor

lukekyle wrote:if saturday is considered a rest day, then hour 1 already has premium.  kay you should apply sa dole re the Cww, whatever they approve will be the guidelines as to when OT starts etc

Since you are adopting the CWW that means Mon-Fri the employees need to complete the work for 44 hours weekly. Working Saturday already exceeding the required 44 hours indicated in your submitted docs in the DOLE. And as Sir Luke indicated, guidelines from DOLE paying OT and on workdays must be applied for your employees will not be complaining regarding their pay.

14Compress Work Week Empty Re: Compress Work Week Thu Aug 03, 2017 12:00 pm


Arresto Menor

thanks po sa reply..

15Compress Work Week Empty Re: Compress Work Week Tue Aug 15, 2017 7:33 am


Arresto Menor

Sir, what kind of template should i use for employees to sign that they agree on this CWW?

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