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Proper Divisor for Compressed Work Week

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1Proper Divisor for Compressed Work Week Empty Proper Divisor for Compressed Work Week Mon May 05, 2014 6:56 pm


Arresto Mayor

Our company's set up is like this:

Mon- Thurs(9 hours)

Equivalent of 44 hours in a week. By law, it is 48.

My question is what is the correct divisor for this? 22 which is the actual working hour
or 24?

Please enlighten me. THANK YOU ATTY.,/HR PRACTIONERS

Say my salary is 15,000
Is it 15,000/22= Daily rate or
15,000/24=Daily rate


Reclusion Perpetua

Before the compressed work week, how many hours do you work on Saturday? if it's 8 hours, then your divisor is 26 days..


Arresto Mayor

We don't work on Saturdays.

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