My previous employer had asked me to take an accreditation exam to be a licensed purchaser of psychological examinations. After passing the said exams, I signed a contract with the accreditation body and was able to purchase psych.exams. Part of the contract states that it is my responsibility to endorse a replacement in the event that I will be leaving the company. If no replacement has been identified, all purchased materials shall be sealed in a box and forwarded to the licensed distributor of the examinations. Failure to do so may result to imprisonment. After this, I was able to purchase psych.exams. I usually made the order through phone and then a messenger picks it up. But, the messenger should have an authorization letter bearing my signature and my ID signifying that I am authorizing our messenger to pick-up the exams on my behalf.
I left my previous employer last April 2010. I did have a replacement but I was not able to endorse him as my replacement to the accreditation body of the licensed distributor of psych exams. I was confident that the company will make the endorsement because they were the ones who endorsed me before.
Confident that the company endorsed my replacement, I called the distributors of psych.exams to inquire for the requirements I need to present in order to re-accredit myself again. I was told by the representative of the distributors that a purchase of psych exams under my name was made August 2010. I was not aware I made a purchase since it has been 5 months already since I left the company. Furthermore, I don't know how they were able to acquire the exams since they need to present an authorization letter with my signature and my ID before they can pick-up the exams.
My questions are:
1. Can I sue my previous employer for using my name to purchase examinations without my knowledge?
2. Can the distributors sue me as well for failure to notify them of resignation with my previous employer?
3. Can my old employer file a case against me?
Will appreciate your advise. Thank you.