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Flexible Work Schedule Query

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1Flexible Work Schedule Query Empty Flexible Work Schedule Query Thu Sep 13, 2012 12:24 am


Arresto Menor

Hi Attorney,

I am a manager and originally on a flexi work schedule. Since I am also a solo parent (filed with an ID), you can say I don't come in to work at 9am. Earlier this year though, I had family problems and as a result has to live alone with my 1 year old baby. Increased expenses and not enough salary does not enable me to hire a nanny so instead I leave my child to a distant relative (malayong kamag-anak) who lives nearby. That said, I come in later and later to work (sometimes even after lunch since I have to attend to all my child's needs in the morning and the relative is usually available to look after my child only by the afternoon). Nonetheless I always complete the 9 working hours required, sometimes even more and makes sure I do not leave the office with any unfinished work. If there are meetings or urgent tasks I need to attend in the morning, I work up some set-up so I can arrive on time, but this not something I can do regularly. Also I have a direct report whose task is to be my support and I am catering to supervisor escalations and macro management of the workload anyway. I also make myself available via mobile if I'm not in the office. My supervisor though, lately gives me the heat bec of this and has mentioned discussing it with me which I fully expect to be reprimand on me. Apologies for the long preamble but all I really want is to be prepared with a reasonable argument. Is there any way I can defend myself in this situation? Do I need to file a request to HR to avail of the flexi work hours under the Solo Parent Welfare Act, even though I already filed a Solo Parent status with them, not to mention I am already on flexi work schedule as a manager. I work for a BPO company doing background screening to our clients and my clients are located in Asia (about the same work hours with us).

Thank you, and I look forward to your opinion.

2Flexible Work Schedule Query Empty Re: Flexible Work Schedule Query Thu Sep 13, 2012 10:05 pm



if it was tolerated before, i recommend you make a written request based on the law's provisions. if they refuse to honor it, make a report to the nearest dole office

3Flexible Work Schedule Query Empty Re: Flexible Work Schedule Query Sat Sep 15, 2012 6:54 pm


Arresto Menor

okay, this is helpful. will do this, absolutely. Thank you so much for your help.

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