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civil wedding

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1civil wedding Empty civil wedding Mon Apr 11, 2011 12:37 pm


Arresto Menor

anu po bang requirements para sa civil wedding..I'm 18 years old and my boyfriend is 33 years old..thanks..

2civil wedding Empty Re: civil wedding Tue Apr 12, 2011 1:20 am



this is from makati website. it should be essentially similar where you are and you are both filipinos:

# Certified Copy of Birth / Baptismal Certificate - bring original

# Residence Certificates

# Parental Consent (18 yrs. - below 21 yrs. old)

# Pre-Marriage Counseling (from DSWD and MHD)

# Divorced Paper/Annulment Paper (if divorced/annulled)

# Death Certificate (if widow/widower)

# Barangay Certificate (for Makati resident)

# Certificate of No Marriage (CENOMAR)

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