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Are BPO account agents entitled to a seperation pay due to closure of account

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femme fatal

Arresto Menor


I hope this question can also serve other BPO employees coz BPOs are popular these days.

Our account will soon be closed.  According to the BPO company, they can help look for another account for us BUT the location and the pay is much lower than the current account.

In this case, can the BPO agent refuse and get entitled for a seperation pay?

Regardless if yes or no, can someone please also refer me to the labor code for BPO companies.  They're claiming that BPO companies follow a different labor code because the employees are hired base on an "account basis" .Question


Reclusion Perpetua

if the BASE salary is much lower then you may refuse, if after 6 months they havent found a equivalent position/account for you, you will be entitled to separation pay.


Reclusion Perpetua

femme fatal wrote:Hello,

I hope this question can also serve other BPO employees coz BPOs are popular these days.

Our account will soon be closed.  According to the BPO company, they can help look for another account for us BUT the location and the pay is much lower than the current account.

In this case, can the BPO agent refuse and get entitled for a seperation pay?

Regardless if yes or no, can someone please also refer me to the labor code for BPO companies.  They're claiming that BPO companies follow a different labor code because the employees are hired base on an "account basis" .Question

There is no labor code just for BPOs.

But due to the circumstances surrounding the way the BPOs operate (ie per account or client), the company should try to redeploy the employees affected by the closure.

The base pay should not change, but any account-specific allowances may be withdrawn or replaced (which may be higher or lower, depending on the new account).

If after 6 months that the employee is on (possibly unpaid) floating status and not redeployed, only then is he entitled to separation pay.

femme fatal

Arresto Menor

Hello lukekyle and council,

Thanks for both of your prompt and invaluable advices. Now I know better why BPOs like dividing the compensation  to basic pay and allowances.  With the allowances sometimes even  higher than the basic pay because of this catch.Crying or Very sad

And not to question your advices, but may I please also ask which part of the labor code states (in a way) that any account-specific allowances may be withdrawn or replaced?


Reclusion Perpetua

femme fatal wrote:Hello lukekyle and council,

Thanks for both of your prompt and invaluable advices. Now I know better why BPOs like dividing the compensation  to basic pay and allowances.  With the allowances sometimes even  higher than the basic pay because of this catch.Crying or Very sad  

And not to question your advices, but may I please also ask which part of the labor code states (in a way) that any account-specific allowances may be withdrawn or replaced?  

Allowances are given for the skills involved and decided usually by client not for anything else.

An XBOX tech support agent might get 1500 TS skills allowance but when the agent is transferred to a Sales position (Samsung), his skills in XBOX is not needed so the allowance is removed, but may be replaced by an allowance from the new account, if any.

The clauses regarding allowances are usually integrated into the employment contract.

You are given xx,xxx as basic and a further x,xxx as allowance for successfully being deployed in AAA account.
The allowance may be removed if you are transferred to a different account.

etc etc etc

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