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Floating status.

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1Floating status. Empty Floating status. Fri Mar 17, 2017 6:04 pm


Arresto Menor

Hello! Good pm!

I work in a BPO company. I would just like to ask for advises. The company is putting us in floating status. But the client is not pulling out the account. The company has just decided to place the specific account on one of their sites. They are like trapping us in a small room to force us to transfer to other accounts which we are not interested in.

I just want to ask if this is legal? to put us up in floating status even though the client is not pulling out the account?

Hoping for your greatest advise on this one. Really appreciate it.



2Floating status. Empty Re: Floating status. Sat Mar 18, 2017 6:33 am


Reclusion Perpetua

Generally the company has the right to transfer you to any other account or department where in their view your skills may be put to good use.

It's not a matter of your interest in the other account but the company's interest in what it sees to be useful.

IOW - hindi naman bawal na ilipat kayo sa ibang account.

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