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Breach of Contract

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1contract - Breach of Contract Empty Breach of Contract Tue Sep 06, 2016 3:21 pm


Arresto Menor

To whom it may concern,

I'm writing you this letter to seek advice regarding with what happened with my Final Pay with my previous company.

I can't claim my Final Pay due to Breach of Contract according to them. Please see below copy of my email sent to my previous company regarding the issue.

Looking forward to hear your response regarding this, thank you very much!

Munchkin 09778168959

I would like to file a dispute regarding the Breach of Contract that was accused to me by Teleperformance that caused me not to received my Final Pay.

I was diagnosed by my Doctor to have Varicella Zoster ( Varicella-Zoster Virus: Practice Essentials, Background, Pathophysiology ) on January 16, 2016 and advised not to report to work anymore and take bed rest for initial period of 7 to 14 days since the disease known as very contagious and might compromised the health of my other co-employee.

However, on the 14th day upon my followed up check-up, the disease was still on its evolving stages and still i have intermittent fever with colds. So, my Doctor extended my bed rest until its totally cured. She also mentioned that it will actually took long time to treat the disease and heal its wounds.

I have exerted all my efforts to update my Supervisor about my health condition. I even took picture of my disease and sent it to her via Facebook where we usually communicates aside from mobile 📱 texting.

She was very consistent on asking me when I can go back to work however, i told her i still cant report since my health condition was still unstable. So, during our conversation I mentioned to her that I might just leave my work if my recovery will still take that long.

I ask my Doctor for a Medical Certificate but was advised to just leave my work to gain my health back since the disease was not yet totally treated and still contagious. I was given that medcert as per request however, right after the day I talked to HR Dept I got my fever and colds back.

I received a Return to Work letter from the company and i was still able to talked to the HR and asked them why they should have to send me that letter if they know in the 1st place the reason of my absenteeism? And It seemed like there was no proper endorsement happened.

Due to my unstable health condition, my Mother decided to have me just leave my work to gain health as per advised by my Doctor as well. So, I submitted my resignation on the 26 of January this year.

There was no conversation happened between me and my Manager that time that's why I was not aware of his so called discretion in regards to my resignation that will lead to this situation now.

As part of Teleperformance values, he should probably professionally talked to me about his discretion about my resignation and see my condition himself that would helped him to have a much better decision.

Also, I was not even advised or recommended to file LOA by my Supervisor which I don't even know if already applicable on my tenure. I also haven't heard anything from my Supervisor about what my Manager said when he received my resignation letter.

If only they became more proactive to offer options available for me to have me stayed rather than leaving the company, this could actually save me from this issue.

They just received and signed my resignation letter and returned it to me with their signatures on it, with me on my end knowing that I've had accomplished to leave the company properly.

I'm not even sure if they really read whats' written on my resignation letter because if they do then they should have understand why I'm leaving the company in the first place.

Please see attached documents for your perusal and please feel free to contact my Doctor for your further investigation which I believed would help enough to resolved this issue.

I'm looking for a kind consideration regarding this matter, thank you.

former employee

CCMS ID: 1406727
Account: Epson
Position: TSR
Date Hired: August 18, 2015

2contract - Breach of Contract Empty Re: Breach of Contract Tue Sep 06, 2016 3:41 pm


Reclusion Perpetua

Up when sana yung contract? How much is the amount involved?

3contract - Breach of Contract Empty Re: Breach of Contract Sun Oct 16, 2016 9:59 pm


Reclusion Perpetua

Specifically, what was the breach of contract your employer was stating in the final e-mail? In what part of your employment contract did you breach, which led to the forfeiture of your separation benefits? Do you even have a copy of your employment contract that you could at least examine?

Based on your story, this is a chain-of-command issue between you, your supervisor, and the HR. According to your side, your supervisor did not forward the necessary communication you made with him towards the HR so that they could have been properly apprised of your health condition. Can you try to contact your supervisor so that you'll know what happened on his end?

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