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Child support

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1support - Child support Empty Child support Wed Jun 15, 2016 4:50 pm


Arresto Menor

I am separated from my husband for 14 years and in that 14 years he supported my child with only 10K monthly. We had a notarized agreement that he will increase it yearly and provide for shelter in the future. Unfortunately, he is now living with another woman and has built a house for themselves. There were several instances wherein he failed to support my son and has caused anxiety on my child. Would it be possible for us as the legal family to automatically receive the "correct" amount and not wait when he deposits the child support? What case could I file given that I had not pushed through with the "Abandonment" case I filed 13 years ago?

By the way he also had a child with other women.

2support - Child support Empty Re: Child support Thu Jun 16, 2016 1:13 pm


Arresto Menor

Any response?

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