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Physical injury claim for vehicular accident

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Arresto Menor

Good eve. Im a mother of 6 mos. Old and is very concern of my health. I got invlved in a vehicular accident last month. On my way to office, While riding a trycicle which runs very fast. We were hit by a toyota hilix that almost made the tryk to roll over. Thank God the driver balance the sidecar where i was loaded. The car hit the sidecsr wheel where i was sitting thst makes it lift and when the wheel hit the ground again. That is where i lost my balance and my sholder and head hit the right side of sidecar. I did not lost consciousness but got a bump on my forehead. They were in the heat of arguement, the driver of the tryk and the driver of car during investigation of the police. I shouted that i was hurt and no body cares. Thats the moment the car driver turned to me and said the police that he will be back after he brought me to the hospital. All through the check up, he did not left me. And im thankful. He shouldered the hospitsl bills and medicine. My xray doesnt show fractue on head and shiulder or other parts requested for xray by doctor. I was advised to obseve for 3 days for any symptoms that might caused me to immediately reauire ct scan because of head injury. Thank God, 3 days are over and im fine.

On the date of the accident, the driver drove me back to the sub-station bec. I told him i will file for police report. Only to find out thst the police did not make any report bec they return the licenses of the two driver. Though this happened, I still went to the police station for police report stating what happened. The full name of the car driver. His work address. Telling them that he must swttle my hospitalization til i was fit to work.

Though i was fit to work sfter 3 days, the doctor still told us that head injury related sickness might manifest earlier or years after. That's what im afraid of bec. After i was given fit to work med cert. By doctor. The car driver wanted me to sign a letter that will free him from all liabilities arising due to indury bec. It is needed for insurance claim. Are they saying the truth? Do i really need to sign it? What if some sickness related to head injury in the near future? I can no longer get hold of them if i signed it. Should i sign the letter?

Our hrd advised me to talk to the driver and ask for loss earnings due to i was on sick leave for 3 days but i dont know how to say it to the driver. Can i legally claim it?

Please help me.

Arresto Menor

It has been 2 weeks and the driver called me still yesterday asking if he can get tje letter with signatire thay i jave freed them from any liability. I need a legal advice. What if somethign happwn to me after i sign. Im worried of my health. I still have a baby to raise and he's only 6 mos. Old.

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