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it's about land problem :)

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1it's about land problem :) Empty it's about land problem :) Wed Apr 13, 2016 12:15 am


Arresto Menor

need lang po ng advice about s lupa n kinatitirikan ng haus nmin... 42 years n po kami nkatira dto then dumating po sa point n nagkademandahan between the owner ng land at kami.. s RTC po we won s case then umapela po ung owner s court of appeals.. the problem is on process po ung kaso pero binenta po nung owner ung lupa s iba, eh me kakayahan nman kami bilhin at willing din kami bilhin ung lupa.. then sbi po nung nkbili kc kakilala din nmin me kopya daw po sya ng decision ng supreme court n tapos n kaso.. eh pnu po sya magkkron nun eh hndi p nman tpos ung kaso s court of appeals... the question po is pde po kaya ma null and void ung bentahn nila kc priority nman kami dto n bumili..

thank you po s answer Very Happy.

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