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parental authority...

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1parental authority... Empty parental authority... Wed Mar 23, 2016 2:24 pm


Arresto Menor

ano po to? i heard a story na ung babae ayaw nyang tnggpin ung child support ng father ng mga kids kse dw naliliitan ung mother s gustong ibigay ng father. so mother offer to the childs father n pumirma n lng dw sya ng pggive-up s parental authority nya, smntlang kasal sila. ano bng pwdng mngyri kpg pumirma ung parent s parental authority n yn? ano bng ground nyan?

2parental authority... Empty Re: parental authority... Tue Apr 05, 2016 10:41 am

tsi ming choi

Reclusion Perpetua

Parental Authority refers to the right of the parents to give support, love , care and other means to their child/children for their development.

Now, yung waiver or kasulatan na igive up yung parental authority ay walang bisa po yun kahit ipa notaryo nya pa yung sa pinakamagaling na abogado sa pilipinas, kasi po void yung, yung parental authority ay bigay yan ng batas sa mga parents whether they like it or not.

Pumirma sya or hinde sya pumirma, walang effect po yun hinde ma deprive yung pumirma ng parental authority.

One of the grounds para mawala yung parental authority is kung yung father or mother commited a crime and the court sentenced him/her for imprisonment more that 6yrs and 1 day WITH an accessory penalty of deprivation of parental authority.

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