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child support

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1support - child support Empty child support Wed Feb 10, 2016 12:09 pm


Arresto Menor

Need advice to my current situation now. We'd been separated with my for about 9 years but no any legal documents was processed.In the middle of that years im still supporting financial to my 10 years old daughter. Lately I had recieved a letter from City Social Service requesting me for a meeting with my wife.In my own understanding the content of the seems she is not contented with the support im giving.Do I need to attend that requested meeting with the Social Workers?How about if they requested a bigger amount compare to my usual support I provided monthly?Do I have the right to take the custody of my daughter. Your advice is highly appreciated.

2support - child support Empty Re: child support Wed Feb 10, 2016 4:25 pm


Prision Correccional

You are obligated to support your child, and its natural that the needs of your daughter will change as she grows old. However, support depends on the capacity of the father also.

i advice you to attend, since this would result to the filling of VAWC (violence against women and their child) later own if you don't attend.

3support - child support Empty Re: child support Wed Feb 10, 2016 4:57 pm


Arresto Menor

technified_ex wrote:You are obligated to support your child, and its natural that the needs of your daughter will change as she grows old. However, support depends on the capacity of the father also.

i advice you to attend, since this would result to the filling of VAWC (violence against women and their child) later own if you don't attend.

thanks for the advice sir/madam, regards

Is it ok to make settlement at the office of City Social Service?

4support - child support Empty Re: child support Fri Feb 12, 2016 3:32 pm


Reclusion Perpetua

Yes. You may agree on that. But the thing is, the amount of support will never be fixed depending on the needs of the child and your capacity to support. Any day, ur ex wife may again call you up for the issue of support.

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