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Pending ECC claim

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1Pending ECC claim Empty Pending ECC claim Sun Apr 12, 2015 7:13 am

Arresto Menor

I am desperately seeking advice for my pending claim with ECC following the death of my husband dated June 28, 2011 at the age of 42. He was a grade school faculty for almost fifteen years and this was the only job he held after college. He was rendered fit to work with no sign of ailments on his pre employment pre requisites in 1995. On June 2, 2011, he was rushed to a hospital near the venue of their annual school retreat where he contracted cerebro vascular accident, which led to operation, and later his demise.
I am currently receiving sss pension, but am seeking additional compensation due to his death within work function. I was denied by sss on the premise that there is no causal relationship with his line of work. And that his ailment is genetic based on his mother's brief history, although she never had an attack; and his lifestyle and habits. My husband was never a drinker nor a smoker. He had a previous attack dated 2009, but he has been on religous medication and constant medical checkup since. My personal stand is that his attack was triggered by the condition of the venue, as most of the attendees complained of extreme heat and humidity. On the manisfestation that we submitted, our lawyer contested their premise that his ailment is stress related as teaching is a stressful job.
To date, case is still pending. May I know my chances on this and other possible solution to win this favor. Thank you.

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