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civil case sum of money and damages.

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1civil - civil case sum of money and damages. Empty civil case sum of money and damages. Tue Jan 29, 2013 11:58 pm


Arresto Menor

I had unpaid loan in china trust for over 2 years. Last month I was noticed by my parents in province that police officers came to our home with warrant of arrest for me. If I can remembered it right I still owe the bank somewhere arround 18k.

Should this be neglected what do you think would be the out come?

I'm willing to participate with the case and settle the problem but I just don't know where to start. Natatakot po kc ako baka po ako makulong agad pag punta ko sa hearing...

Pag nagkataon po ba magkano po kya ang pyansa... natatakot npo tlga ako.

sna po mabigyan nyo ako ng advice.

salamat po...

2civil - civil case sum of money and damages. Empty Re: civil case sum of money and damages. Wed Jan 30, 2013 8:16 pm


Arresto Menor

sana po mi mag advice. need help po talaga...

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