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Bought land without title

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1Bought land without title Empty Bought land without title Tue May 18, 2010 2:18 pm


Arresto Menor

I just purchased a lot. We executed the deed of sale, tax declaration, survey the lot. The documents are under my name. We submitted all of these to municipality. However, I still cannot acquire the title, since the piece of land that I bought was still part of what they call "mother title". tax for that land is being paid by me and under my name.

Question : Can I say that I am the legal owner of that piece of lot and have all the entitled rights, though I still don't have the title?

2Bought land without title Empty Re: Bought land without title Tue May 18, 2010 10:05 pm



your remedy is to ask the other owners on the mother title to execute a voluntary deed of partition so your portion will be issued a separate title.

if they don't agree, then you'll have a file a petition in court to have your portion segregated.

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