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qualified theft case by a company against an individual

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Arresto Menor

Good evening! I have a friend who works at a high-end mall and she has been charged of punching the wrong price for certain product thus having her accused of pocketing money which amounts to 2000 php. The evidences are strong against her as said by the managers who investigated. She is now in jail waiting to be bailed on Monday. After the bail there will be a hearing and if found guilty she'd be put behind bars for around 6 months (that's what the managers said). I would like to know the ff:

- How long will it take for the bail to be processed and given that the company accusing her is Rustans, will the process take longer?

-Who should we talk to and where do we go to just have the case settled out of court?

-Is 2000php enough to have a person jailed for 6 months or more?

-The "managers" said all the evidences are pointing against her. Should she be intimidated by what they said or should she stand firm on her belief that she's innocent and plea not-guilty on the hearing (given that the one accusing her is a big company and she actually doesn't have money to pay for an attorney).

I love her and I wish I could help her....

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