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How to acquire financial support from an ex-husband?

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Arresto Menor

Would appreciate to get legal advice on my case. I am now separated with the man I married for 9yrs with 2kids. Though I had a relationship after a year of separation with him and had a child as well. I am now on my own with 3kids. I am demanding support from my ex husband and he was telling me not to expect since it was my decision to break it up. He recently realized about my relationship after ours and the child I have. Is it an enough reason for him not support his children with me?


Reclusion Perpetua

inquisitive_me wrote:Hi,
Would appreciate to get legal advice on my case. I am now separated with the man I married for 9yrs with 2kids. Though I had a relationship after a year of separation with him and had a child as well. I am now on my own with 3kids. I am demanding support from my ex husband and he was telling me not to expect since it was my decision to break it up. He recently realized about my relationship after ours and the child I have. Is it an enough reason for him not support his children with me?

Hindi reason or excuse ang pagkakaroon mo ng relasyon at anak sa ibang lalaki para itigil niya ang financial support ng mga bata. For a start send him a letter demanding for financial support. For the meantime, set aside the option of filing RA 9262, I’m sure he will counter you with adultery since nag-kaanak ka sa iba at yung ang malakas niyang evidence laban sa iyo.


Arresto Menor

If in case mag file sya ng adultery, will it still be a strong case kahit separated na ako from the father of my 3rd child?


Arresto Menor

you can still be charged. as long as married parin kayo. almost same with my case, the best evidence if ever mag sampa sayo ng adultery case is the 3rd child which is not his.


Arresto Menor

thank you

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