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Buying a house&lot with title but dead owner but with surviving spouse/children

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Arresto Menor

I am planning to buy a house & lot in Mandaluyong. I believe that it has an authentic title & tax declaration. However, the owner/father is already dead (without a will). The spouse/children are planning to sell it.

Questions: Is it safe to buy? Is it possible to transfer the title directly in my name? If I will buy, what measures should I take in order for me to be protected as buyer?

Thank you.


Arresto Menor

may binili kami property by installment basis. patay napo ang may ari(which is a muslim), hindi pa na transfer sa pangalan nya ang land title then unfortunately namatay sya. may deed of donation ang property for his two children which is 5 and 3 yrs old.
1. may right ba ang naiwang asawa (mother ng mga bata) na ebenta ang property?
2. 3rd wife kasi ang mother ng mga bata, meron po bang habol ang 1st and second wife sa property if ever?

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