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End of Contract VS Resignation

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1End of Contract VS Resignation  Empty End of Contract VS Resignation Wed Nov 16, 2011 1:24 pm


Arresto Menor

I'm a graphic artist worked in a BPO company. I just ended my contract yesterday, well the HR let us choose if we want to resign or end the contract. They were forcing us to resign so I chose end of contract. But then, the HR asked us to pass a resignation letter, they said it's still the same when you need to resign, we do it and have no idea. This is my first job. I asked my relatives, after I went home, about how we end our contract they said you don't need to pass resignation letter. The HR will provide us a certificate and we need to sign it.

The nature of my work is designing ads based on the standards of the client and the company. We work from 8 to 15 hours a day. They won't let you leave unless you finish all the ads and we need to reach the quota - 40 ads and above a day. They want to terminate us because there were no more ads left to design and they don't want us to stay for long. Ads will come next year and there's no definite time when it will resume. We found out that they used it as an excuse for us to resign or leave the company. Also, they're hiring new applicants again, new artists for this month. That means there's still more ads.

They didn't tell us about our status of our performances. I heard that they cutting budget and that include us out of the picture. They terminated 80 new employees/trainees and they use the reason that there's no ads left to design.

It is stated on the contract that the period of our employment is 1 year. We worked there for two months and we're under 3 month probation. We're project based employees. We're not entitled to any benefits and when the contract has expired we will receive our salary up to the last working day. Our last working day was friday, last week, Nov 11, 2011.

The HR said we will receive our salary next year after 1 and 1/2 months including the back pay. They said if we choose end of contract they don't want to get negative feedback from our new employer in case we found a new job. So it is best to resign. They got mad when we chose end of contract. Why is that? I'm very confused. And, we're not getting the right amount of our salary.

My relatives say we should report it to the Department Of Labor and seek for advice. I tried calling DOLE Hotline but the line is busy. We live far away so there's no branch of DOLE in our place, only in METRO MANILA. Others were afraid to speak up. I'm the only one realizing that there's something wrong with this company. Well, a few knows, but some chose to stay silent.

My question is what are the terms pros and cons of end of contract and resignation? What are the disadvantages and advantages when resigning and ending a contract? Why are they hiring new applicants? We can't get our salary for this month? Can we sue them? Why are they like this to new employees?

We don't have the power to do anything coz it's an American company. We don't have money to sue them.

We have the right to know everything! Please advise asap!

2End of Contract VS Resignation  Empty Re: End of Contract VS Resignation Wed Nov 16, 2011 3:24 pm


Reclusion Perpetua

Well, if you choose to end your contract it means that you finished your contract without any hassle/problem and you completed the project given to you (since you are project basis), but if you choose to resign, definitely there are reasons why you resigned. And if you apply for a new job, interviewer always ask “why did you resign in that company?” And companies have rules in paying employee’s benefits if they resigned or finished their contract. You should ask them what will be the difference if you choose to end your contract and resignation.

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