Last January, I filed a RA9262 related to physical injury to my ex live in partner. He is a British citizen with tourist visa here in the Philippines. He submitted his counter affidavit last March and just last week, I received the resolution. It says that the case has been approved by the fiscal/judge because I have sufficient evidences and witnesses. My ex texted me and he said that he went to PAO to seek assistance. PAO lawyer told him the same that the case will prosper and that warrant of arrest will be issued soon. Is that true? How long before the warrant of arrest will be issued? Can he pay the bail and for how much? Also, will it appear on his NBI record in case he will get one because he is planning to get a job soon? Another thing is he is in the process of getting his temporary resident visa, will the case prevent him from getting a resident visa here?
What should I do next? Should I just wait for another letter for the first hearing? I am very busy at work 15 hours a day and have weekends off that's why I don't have time going to an attorney personally and I hope this forum will answer my queries.