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Not enough Back pay

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1Not enough Back pay Empty Not enough Back pay Tue May 03, 2011 6:09 pm


Arresto Menor

I worked in a huge stable call center company in ortigas for more than 3 years with a basic of 15.6k. I just recently resigned due to health issue's last march 15,2011 and I tried claiming my back pay this month I was terrified for my back pay was just 11k way very low than the people next to me who resigned with the same company but has 14k basic only and I notice that were almost at the same resignation month the only difference is that he stayed for a year only and mine was more than 3 years.He receive 20k and Me? I got 11k only.... Please help me.. I didn't receive my salary for the last cut off for they said that I will receive it together with my back pay...and besides I should have my unused leave credits....
can you please give the any idea of its computation? and how it should be computed?
What will I do? I didn't signed the check yet I didn't receive it for I was shocked...

Please po tulungan nyo ako....pnu po kung sasabhin nila na un na talaga un?

Last edited by alexandra_wardo on Tue May 03, 2011 6:12 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : clarification)

2Not enough Back pay Empty Re: Not enough Back pay Thu May 05, 2011 3:34 pm



unless you have a company policy which gives some form separation pay even if you resign, then you are only entitled to days worked, accrued 13th month pay. as for leaves, it depends if the company monetizes leaves.

there is no legal right to separation pay when an employee resigns. request for a computation and break down.

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