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1HELP PLEASE ASAP... Empty HELP PLEASE ASAP... Wed Apr 13, 2011 10:57 am


Arresto Menor

I was hired as a freelance teacher in an online teaching company last Sept 2010. I signed a contract of 15 months. I also signed a paper that says I have to pay P40,000 for any breach of contract. I'm planning to resign next month. I have decided to stay in my hometown for good and to be with my baby. I'm a single mom and I only see her on the weekends.
Is there any best way to tell my employer that I'm resigning? Will they sue me to court and ask me to pay P40,000? Please help me. Thanks!

2HELP PLEASE ASAP... Empty Re: HELP PLEASE ASAP... Thu Apr 14, 2011 1:14 am



you have to file 30 day notice before your resignation can be effective. a shorter period is possible but the employer has to agree also.

i recommend you talk to your employer. can they sue, yes. will they, we can only speculate.

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