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How to correct my current surname in my doc's to use my Official Surname from NSO/PSA?

2 posters

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Arresto Menor

Hi, I just need help. I found out when I got my BC from PSA that my surname was the surname of my real father. I learned that the BC from PSA is the official or my legal identity. I used the surname of my stepfather in all of my credentials and documents and they file a late registration since I was a child. May I know what is the possible way to correct my current credentials and documents using my Official surname from PSA. Thank you so much. God bless


Reclusion Perpetua

you would have to apply for correction of all of your documents/ID to each respective institution.


Arresto Menor

Ano po ba mas mdli pra di na baguhin? Icorrect isa isa like BC ng mga anak ko, marriage contract ko at mga id's ko or pede ba ung sa nso nlng ang baguhin pra isa na lang. Kung ano po mas mdli at wala msaydo gastos at legal.


Reclusion Perpetua

unfortunately, walang medaling option since your only option is either to have your documents corrected or magpapa ampon ka dun sa step father mo.


Arresto Menor

Oo nga po parehong mahirap ang proseso. Mraming salamat po. God bless.

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