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adopted and don't know names.

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1adopted and don't know names. Empty adopted and don't know names. Fri Aug 31, 2018 5:37 am


Arresto Menor

My girlfriend was adopted at birth by a family in Looc, Masbate. Her adopted parents are now deceased and we are trying to get a birth certificate to get married.

She was told that her name was on the birth certificate and her real parents (unmarried) names though not which spelling and we sent off with this information to PSA (NSO) but only received a letter to say that there was no results to her search.

Is there any way I could get access to the database to find the data myself using wildcard selection over a 2 week between period up to her birthday (in case they put down the date that they registered instead of the date of birth) Gender, Masbate, Approximate surname of mother and father using wildcard and an OR lookup on her name, what she was called by her adoptive parents and what she was told she was called.

Or, a company to do this on our behalf?

2adopted and don't know names. Empty Can anyone help? Sun Sep 02, 2018 6:44 am


Arresto Menor

adopted and don't know names. on Thu Aug 30, 2018 5:37 am

Can anyone help at all?

3adopted and don't know names. Empty Re: adopted and don't know names. Sun Sep 02, 2018 5:34 pm


Arresto Menor

so.. wala syang birth certificate ganun ba? i'm not attorney but I read books and based sa experiences with friends. i'm a vet by profession.

4adopted and don't know names. Empty Re: adopted and don't know names. Sun Sep 02, 2018 6:53 pm


Arresto Menor

I am at a disadvantage too. I build data warehouses in the UK and my Tagalog is limited at best so can't read many of the books and can't ask friends hence coming onto this website.

I am sure that there was something written on the letter that came back from the NSO to say that there was a company that you could contact who would find the information for you, but I don't have access to that information as the letter is no longer available.

5adopted and don't know names. Empty Re: adopted and don't know names. Sun Sep 02, 2018 7:15 pm


Arresto Menor

what year your girlfriend was born?
is she was born around bet 1940's or 50's
there is no record. the record your girlfriend shows is only assumed.

now if she was born during 70's and forward, she* should have a record. the agency here in Philippines is National Statistics Office or known as Philippine Statistics Authority.

Sorry, I didn't know your Tagalog is limited. I'm a vet by profession. I know law since I read books, based on experiences from friends.

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