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forced overtime

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1forced overtime Empty forced overtime Mon Apr 23, 2018 4:55 pm


Arresto Menor

hi atty.
i am being forced to do the overtime can i decline to the following reason?
1. im working 7 days straight and didnt have any restday yet. i well have my RD after 9 days of work. this due to the change shift.
2. i didnt get enough sleep because of the change shift and my body is tired. i cant do the overtime because it my affect my health.and i cant sleep during night since my shift is 3pm to 11pm after i went to 7am -3am.

2forced overtime Empty Re: forced overtime Mon Apr 23, 2018 10:59 pm


Arresto Mayor

Labor Code provides that the normal hours of work or any employee shall not more than 8 hours a day. As a rule, the rendering of work beyond 8 hrs is voluntary . But, there are instances when an employer may require his employees to perform overtime work—enumerated in the Labor Code. Explain, in a friendly tone,that you cannot render OT due lack of rest etc. Good luck.

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