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1RENTAL PAYMENT Empty RENTAL PAYMENT Sun Mar 25, 2018 10:54 pm


Arresto Menor

Good day and a pleasant evening to all specially to all lawyers out there.
Sir /Madam,
I would like to ask any legal advice about my problem now a days. My live in partner has an issue about her landlord regarding about the rental payment which she is failed to comply but she recover rental payments in the other months then until the time when she fail to pay successive  months due to low income and she's given birth to our baby on last january 06, 2018 then in last february 11, 2018. That day they ask for the rental payment unfortunately my partner does not have money so they instruct to make a statement that she must pay 20k in feb. 21 then another 20k in feb. 28 and she must also pay 50k for the month of march including 18k rental payment of the same month. They told us if we fail to pay in any amount they ask on that day told us to padlock the unit and we camt bring any single thing with us. So we ask them if however if we cant comply in other date of payment in the statement on which they demand to give us another day to pay and they say No you must pay if not you leave right away considering we are having a 2 months old baby the said " Is not our problem anymore if where you gonna go!  After my partner and I have talk about that statement and its really hard for us to achieve those big amount so we decided to leave the unit since they told us "Just leave the unit if you cant pay the said statement. By the way we comply the 20k payment on Feb. 21 then the next payment we fail so we ask them to give us extension and gladly they accept and move the payment to march 2 instead of feb. 28. Even though we already have the money we decided not to deposit to them and find a place where we can move with a less rental so we can pay them because we really believe its really impossible to comply because our only source of income is a small laundry and we accept bed spacer just to support our rental payment because its really hard for us if we only depending to the laundry income. And so we leave and we brought with us our personal things and 2 laundry machines  and live the other 3 machines so we can operate and be able to sustain our daily expenses most  specially daily needs to our newborn baby. On the day of the extension date they gave us we told them we cant really provide money and we told them that we're gonna just leave and we will pay of the balance we owe to them anyway it never comes to our mind to run with it because we are transferring into nearby bldg. unit which is bldg.14 and their bldg. is 11. On March 13 they show up in the bldg.11 and it was happen that we are not there because we are having lunch in bldg.14 so they call us and saying bad words against us and they never listen to our explanation and getting starting saying violent words so we decided not to face them since they have a back up guy which the guy claim that the unit owner of we renting is her relative which is already live in the same bldg.This guys has many enemy in our nearby bldg. and has connections.So we really not showing up to them.

We already ask legal advice to our friend atty.
And he ask us us 'Do you have a lease of Agreement to them or Contract? We answer We dont sir it just verbal and also the monthly rental which is 18k is also verbal. and they demand to pay our rental balance for the 2 years of staying as what they say is 302,000.00 interest excluding.

Sir/Madam sorry for the long story. Kindly please give us legal advise about our problem. this only part 1.

Last edited by swordfish on Sun Mar 25, 2018 10:55 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : wrong title)

2RENTAL PAYMENT Empty Re: RENTAL PAYMENT Thu Mar 29, 2018 2:00 pm



it's not clear what your question is

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