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Water disconnection without notice

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1Water disconnection without notice Empty Water disconnection without notice Sat Oct 28, 2017 2:50 pm


Arresto Menor

Our water supply was disconnected last oct 26. I called their hotline why it was disconnected without any notice. My due date is oct. 23 (my bill is for 2 mos). There is a reminder on my bill to pay to avoid disconnection but no specific date was written. Anyway, first thing in the morning of oct. 27 i paid the required amount to be paid. I called again to tell them that i have paid and the person on the line informed me that he will make a report. I personally ask him to tell his manager who made the job order to take important consideration for a fast re-connection because i have my 88 years old father with me. Late in the afternoon we called again and ask why we still have no water. I reiterated that my father is with me. This morning oct. 28 i called again saying the same thing that my father is already uncomfortable. The agent told me to wait because the job order is for today. Now it is already 2:45 pm and no water yet. My questions are:
* Can they really cut water supply without prior notice? Is it a standard procedure in our country for these kind of company to send a disconnection notice before disconnection?
* What can i do if they still won't connect our water supply today?

For what it is worth, last month i received a disconnection notice. I paid my bill before the date so no disconnection happened. Why didn't they do the same this month?

Thank you for hearing me out.

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