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1Regularization Empty Regularization Thu Oct 26, 2017 7:48 pm


Arresto Menor

Hi, I would like to seek help, I am a Team Leader in a BPO company, running at my 4th month. There has been an ongoing issue with memo's being given to me as I am contesting it due to my pregnancy. Last night my manager talked to me and was implying so many things that might lead to neglect of duty but I have documentations. So my manager discussed my monthly performance review way back August and September and advised me that I only have until Nov to pull out my stats to secure my regularization. I was not coached of my scores for the past two months and for this month just last night. I had pre term labor events due to my stress with her and now it is causing me more stress knowing that I only have a month to pull it off and my agents where transferred to a different account and I was left with no direction as of this date until further notice. I don't know what to do, I feel so stress and I feel that she is doing everything to make me either resign, quit or remove me from the company.
Hoping for your response and guidance.

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