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Approved Leaves

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1Approved Leaves  Empty Approved Leaves Fri Sep 22, 2017 3:42 pm


Arresto Menor

Hi, i am an employee of a BPO, just regularized last july. I was called by our OP who is an Indian national to explain to him my absences which was approved by my TL. I had 2 VL with approved leave in July and 3days on the 2nd wk of august my daughter got sick and was hospitalized then the following wk i got sick also i had 3 days SL on August with medical cert. all with notification to my TL. I already explained to him my side and told him that absences were approved leaves and with valid reason. Now i received an NTE form the HR asked me to explain and sign it. My question is should i sign the NTE ? Prior to the meeting of our OM due to my number of absences No warning or notification by my TL or HR re my absences. I was immediately called by our OM without going through the due process and immediately sanction me to sign an nte. I have read the company code of disciplne and i did not violated the rules in terms of absences. It was stated stated, that incurring for min. of 3 days without valid reason or any notification to immediate head or awol for 5 days may considered as negligence of duties & abandonment of work. I had approved leaves and authorized leaves by my TL . I submitted medical certificate to prove of my valid reason. So why should the HR and our OM issued an NTE though I have valid reason and did not violate the rule. If i sign it would that mean that i made an offense on absences with approved leaves and may take it against me. Or i have an option not to sign it. Please help me on this kasi no matter how i defend myself our indian OM does not accept my valid reasons. He said that given the number of absences he said that i dont care. I was hurt with his accusation because i seldom made absences and i always report early to work and it so happened that my daughter and i got sick but still he does not accept it and ask the hr to give me an nte. Is the NTE valid? Should i sign? Please enlighten me kasi ayoko na magka record ako with the offenses na hindi ko naman ginawa nor i have an intention of incurring those absences.
Thank you for your kind attention . Hope for your immediate reply.

2Approved Leaves  Empty Re: Approved Leaves Fri Sep 22, 2017 5:04 pm


Reclusion Perpetua

NTE is merely notice to explain, if there are findings, conclusions or sanctions on the letter then that is not an NTE. I would advise you to sign an NTE as it only means that you are going to explain which you should anytime management asks you to explain something. If the letter does contain conclusions or sanctions that you dont agree with, you can just sign "received but i dont agree" before you write your name down.

Also if it is an NTE they dont need due process kasi NTE nga ang start ng due process before disciplinary action is given

3Approved Leaves  Empty Re: Approved Leaves Mon Oct 02, 2017 12:25 pm


Arresto Mayor

You should answer that NTE.. Failure to do so means you are waiving your right to be heard.. Lahat ay dapat dumaan sa due process.. Yan ang simula Answering the NTE.

4Approved Leaves  Empty Re: Approved Leaves Sat Oct 14, 2017 12:21 pm


Reclusion Perpetua

Yes, answer that NTE, because it is already a precursor to a disciplinary action. Read this so that you will be able to better understand the process.

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