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Loamed was not approved

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1Loamed was not approved Empty Loamed was not approved Mon Jan 30, 2017 8:22 am


Arresto Menor

Hi. Good morning. I got sick Thursday last week and I still went to work the next day, Friday. However, my condition got worse so I decided to go to the hospital after my shift. On Saturday morning, I was advised to take bedrest for 1-2 days and I notified my supervisor and sent her my medcert. I even gave the medcert to my teammate who was with me when I went to the hospital so that he can present it on our Saturday shift. Then I have learned that our OM did not approve my loamed for 2 days just because I had loamed last month also but please take note that the diagnosis this month is different from last month. What should I do?

PS. I have a teammate also who had loamed last month and this month but was approved.

2Loamed was not approved Empty Re: Loamed was not approved Mon Jan 30, 2017 1:16 pm


Reclusion Perpetua

Basta may med cert ka wala ka dapat ikabahala.. you can contest it.

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