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Promised Raise that has not materialized

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1Promised Raise that has not materialized Empty Promised Raise that has not materialized Fri Jun 09, 2017 2:22 pm


Arresto Menor

Hello everyone,

I currently have 2 problems with my company which is a shared services company:

1. Incorrect salary due to system error - I raised a concern with my company that I have unpaid OT and hazard pay for 2016 to present. They don't want to back backtrack 2016 due to 'company policies' and they said that I may have been overpaid in Night Differential kaya baka daw mag negative pa at ako ang may utang sa company. Upon consulting with DOLE, I was told backtracking can be as far as 3 years and I have already expressed that I am amenable to payback the overpayment. I just want my company to backtrack and confirm if I am underpaid or overpaid. This is already scheduled for a 2nd Joint Conference with DOLE so this is least of my concerns. Also, I am confident that I am underpaid or at least break even kami.

2. Promised Raise - In scope ba for DOLE if ang problem is promised raise that never happened? I was to resign on December 2016 as I was already offered a job in another company. When I spoke with my Sr. Manager about it during a close door meeting, one of the things I demanded is a 30% raise. He can guarantee 20% (his exact words) when we spoke then so I retracted my resignation. Now, in my follow up emails, my boss said he never guaranteed a raise. LOL. That was promised on December 2016, and employee's annual raise is every March. I have been waiting for that and now he denies what I have been waiting for these past months.

My questions regarding second item:

1. Is that for DOLE rin or should I go to another office?

2. Is it worth fighting for rin? Kasi I dont think that was ever recorded in writing, it was a verbal promise. Although I am sure there is an email between two managers that I demanded 30% kasi my manager mentioned he spoke with another manager about my demands. Anyway, main prob is I don't have evidence and its gonna be his word against mine.

3. What can you recommend as my next steps?

Kind regards,
CompanySlave Razz

P.S. Manager denies it, but really, who retracts a resignation with another company if there is no counter-offer? I know I won't! :'( Now I am stuck with this company (yes, I am still working for them but actively seeking employment once again) and regretting it that I trusted too much on person-to-person meetings. Lesson learned, always prepare a minutes of the meeting even for 'confidential'/'closed door' meetings.

Last edited by companyslave on Fri Jun 09, 2017 2:25 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : spelling errors)


Reclusion Perpetua

1. You could try your HR first but that is an uphill battle. Yes DOLE yan if you want to file complaint.
2. In my opinion no, as you said its your word against his and since a raise isn't something guaranteed by our labor laws i really doubt you would win.
3. Nothing really. You mentioned you are already seeking other employment, i believe that is the best recourse

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