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1SALARY RAISE Empty SALARY RAISE Fri Jan 11, 2013 1:44 am


Arresto Menor

hi attys:

im working in a BPO industry and i want to know if it is legal to demand for a salary raise since we are being told to do too much task than a usual call center agent. by the time that i was hired in this company, on our job offer states that our title is SALES PROFESSIONALS, although we are not 100% allowed to sell stuffs, we only assist. 6 of us were were appointed as a level 2 support and obviously, we are technically the escalations department. Should our contract and title must change? They have "promised" us(verbally)that we will get our raise upon start of our tasks. however, its almost our regularization, but our request for salary raise is just being ignored. we have requested for the salary raise for almost 2 months and we havent heared back anything until one day, one of the managers informed us that to get our INCENTIVE(not raise) we need to hit our metrics which is an additional task for us. is this a legal matter? they have mentioned that "the account is new and still trying to cope with the budgeting and other things", is that a valid reason? Please let us know what we need to do,or if we need to impose legal matter to this?

Thank you.

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