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Notice of dismissal or termination no call no show

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Arresto Menor


I would like to seek legal advice for I was served a notice of dismissal or termination due to the following grounds:

1) Code of Conduct: Violation of the Companys Attendance Policy: No call No show
2) Art. 282 of the Labor Code
- Gross and habitual neglect of duties

I was served a Final Written Warning for the same concern back in September 23, 2016 and has a curing period of 180 days that will last until February 25, 2017.

On January 21st of 2017 I was tagged No Call No Show by my Manager even for the fact that I sent him a text message the day before my absence that I will not be able to report to work due to a family emergency.

On January 22nd, 2017 I was tagged for unscheduled absence wherein 2 hours before my shift start I sent a notification via text message to my manager stating that I will be late for i'm experiencing severe headache and rhinitis. Even after the medicines I took earlier that day did not give me a relief and opted instead not to go to work anymore middle of the day and immediately informed my manager that I wont make it anymore.

I am scheduled for an admin hearing on February 7th in which they gave a chance to air my side and to provide evidence on the said incident.

Hoping for some of your inputs in this situation the soonest.



Reclusion Perpetua

well if you can prove that you sent those messages it would go a long way to defend your position.


Reclusion Perpetua

Did you observe proper procedure - advising to the proper person with enough advance notice?

The concern there is that even if you say you sent a message, they can deny having received any notice.

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