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Show Cause Notice

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1Show Cause Notice Empty Show Cause Notice Thu Sep 04, 2014 7:59 am


Arresto Menor


I just want to ask if it is legal given these scenarios:

a. Manager filed a resignation effective August 30; Resignation is due to his committing Fraud - after a deliberation and Administrative Hearing with HR. Resignation was accepted instead of Immediate Termination
b. Manager issued a Show Cause Notice for a violation prepared August 28 and was issued to the employee on September 4 through Senior Manager; Employee receiving the Show Cause Notice was the one who escalated the Manager committing Fraud.

Is this a case of Manager filing a Case against the employee as a form of vindetta towards the agent for escalating him which eventually led to Manager's termination/resination?

Is this legal? Can Show Cause Notice be disputed?

Note: No written response to show cause notice submitted as of thos writing.

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