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1HOLIDAY PAY Empty HOLIDAY PAY Tue Jan 24, 2017 10:48 pm


Arresto Menor

This is the scenario.
I have a duty January 1, 2017 which is a legal holiday and also January 2, 2017 which is a special holiday. My duty is night shift which is 10pm to 6am in the morning.
When I saw my payslip I was given 150 for the legal holiday and 135 for the special holiday. Our admin finance told me that I have a duty January 1, 2017 but 10pm to 12am (two hours) is the only time I am entitled for the holiday pay. I told them that my duty is for January 1 so I should be entitled to the whole amount of the Holiday pay and not just the 2 hours because at the end of the day my duty is January 1 it's just that I am graveyard shift.

What is your comment sir? mam?
Entitled po ba ako sa holiday pay full or yung 2 hours lang po?

Thank you and God bless! Smile

2HOLIDAY PAY Empty Re: HOLIDAY PAY Wed Jan 25, 2017 3:58 am


Reclusion Perpetua

Ang kailangan lang ng batas ay bayaran ang tamang oras na na-trabaho mo sa araw na iyon - so kung 2 hrs sa legal holiday ang pinasok, dapat bayaran iyon.

Kung ibigay sa iyo ang buong shift as legal holiday, nasa discretion na ng kumpanya yun.

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