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Holiday pay when on leave a day preceding the holiday

3 posters

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Arresto Menor

Hi, good day. Tanong ko lang po:
1. pag half day a day before the regular holiday, may bayad ba ang regular holiday?

2. if on leave without pay a day before the regular holiday (Dec30) and special day din ang susunod (Jan 2) and both holidays were unworked, without pay na din po ba ang Jan 2? sa batas kasi, ang binabanggit lang ay yung regular holiday

3. based sa batas about regular holiday, tama po ang assumption ko na kapag leave without pay a day before the SPECIAL HOLIDAY, entitled pa din s holiday pay ung empleado? thank you for giving light to this question. Salamat po.


Reclusion Perpetua

#1. sorry no idea regarding half day
#2. pag special ang holiday, no pay either way. You only get paid if you worked on that exact day. Kaya Jan 2 basta hindi ka pumasok ng jan 2, walang sahod on that day. Jan 1 may sahod if pumasok ka ng December 29.
#3. If leave without pay on the 29th. no pay on Dec 30 and Jan 1. If leave with pay on the 29th, may holiday pay on Dec 30 and Jan 1


Arresto Menor

Thank you so much...these scenarios po kasi ay hindi malinaw sa labor law...salamat po ng marami


Reclusion Perpetua

Special Holiday - no work / no pay

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