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Same Sex Marriage Abroad

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1Same Sex Marriage Abroad Empty Same Sex Marriage Abroad Thu Aug 04, 2016 5:11 pm


Arresto Menor


I am a Filipina getting married this September in Germany. Question lang po, Me and my Partner wants to have same last name and I want to have her Last name. is it possible po that I can change all my papers here sa Philippines after the wedding or is it gonna be a problem coz, given we dont have same sex Marriage rights here.. Please help us po what we can do or any advice po.. Thank you

2Same Sex Marriage Abroad Empty Re: Same Sex Marriage Abroad Sun Aug 07, 2016 11:13 pm



Philippines will not recognize your marriage, but I hope it will some day. Congratulations on your wedding.

3Same Sex Marriage Abroad Empty Same Sex Marriage Mon Aug 08, 2016 2:18 pm


Arresto Menor

Thank You Attorney,

So your saying na its not possible i can change my Last name to hers? Yeah I hope that They will Give rights To this Kind of Mirriage also. I have read sonething na If i wanna change last name I have to go to court and all this processing but I guess I need to give them the reason why i wanna change name and It all goes back to not reconizing the 3rd sex rights..

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