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Arresto Menor

Hi! I have a brother who works as an Assistant Restaurant Manager in a resto in Quezon City. He was part of the opening team there. There were no problem that time. After several years, the General Manager who was part of the opening team left and was replaced by an arrogant GM. That GM has been saying cuss words (gago, bobo, tanga) to staff every time they made mistake. My brother doesn't have any issues with the GM that time but eventually they did. My brother was scolded many times through the managers group chat. He's very arrogant. During their outing last May, 2016, the GM asked something to my brother. My brother then answered to GM. In the middle of their conversation, the GM said "ginagago mo yata ako e" then threatened to punch my brother. My brother, a very kind and soft-spoken guy who isn't used to fist-fights was so shocked of what has transpired. Good thing there's another GM from other branch who restrained the arrogant GM. He already reported it to the HR but the HR Manager doesn't seem to give a damn about the case. It seems they are just prolonging it to the point that the'll just forget about the case. They also seem to side to the GM. Can we raise this to the NLRC? And what complain can we file against the GM and the company? I hope you can help us on this. Thank you!


Reclusion Perpetua

wala akong nakikitang reason to file a complaint sa nlrc. at most you can resign and use the cursing as your reason. Pwede siguro mag oral defamation sa fiscals office but im not very familiar with the parameters that constitute oral defamation.

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