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Mother's rights against mother in law???

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1Mother's rights against mother in law??? Empty Mother's rights against mother in law??? Fri Jan 07, 2011 12:54 pm


Arresto Menor

my mil wants to interfere in our family. she wants us(my husband and I) to follow her for anything she'd said which i dont obey. thats why there's a lot of argue between us. at first my husband doesn't see whats going on. but now he realize that her mother was wrong. If she see something happened to us that she doesn't want she will tell us not to do this supposed to do this.. etcetera.

the story begins when I give birth to my baby on May 27,2010. We got a nanny just a month after I delivered baby. since then i'm the one taking care of her.

I just got the job October 5,2010. since i started the job my baby is with my mother. I'm just seeing my baby on my day-off(2consecutives) or if we will go to her after my work. we still don't have nanny. MIL, ask a favor if she can take care of our baby I give her a permission. since we are still looking for a nanny and she is a grandmother too. after a week i ask my husband to brought back my baby its my off I can take care of baby when she came back to us I felt pity to her because of her looks. She look pale and thin she sneezing seems can't breath we tried to give her a herbal medicine and some juice came from fruits baby looks fine after several days.

I dont want to brought back baby to MIL but my husband want to i give way. when baby was returned to them she makes issue that we're not taking care of baby. (before this happened im trying to tell her about the sweating on her back she's not listening) and she reverse the things happened to baby when she is with us. they brought the baby their doctor without our permission. I didn't talk to them because i wait for my day-off to come.

Nov. 6, 2010 when i took the baby from her. Sat and sun was my day-off. While we are taking baby from her and preparing all her things she is instructing my husband on how to take the medicine for my baby. I checked it but it was not labeled on what kind of medicine it is instead its the name of the doctor and how many times to be taken. its on 6days and I stopped the medicine.

Nov 8, 2011, the truth my husband and I got a fight that day because He's at work when i took my baby to my trusted doctor without his consent. He got mad at me when he knew that I stopped the medicine and it end up took all his things and go to somewhere else that I don't know. Because my husband is on his mothers side. He is loyal to his mother. I dont know what will i do. my salary is not enough if he's going to leave us. I didn't tell to my mother whats going on with us.

One day MIL visit my baby in my mother's house in their opinion she's trying to check if she can get our baby. In some way my mother said she was insulted of my MIL. I believe my mother that she was not lieng because my sister was there too listening. She have someone with her and said to MIL just take my baby and leave even without my consent. which my MIL didn't do. I think she think what will happened if she did that.

after 2 days she came back in my mothers house unfortunately i'm their sleeping with my baby. She asked me if my mother knows what happened to her son. I told her NO. Because this is my family. We are the one who supposed to solve our problem. My mother learned that she is in my house that's why she didn't go in. MIL said a lot of bad things against meinside in our house. This is the time that she said that my doctor or pedia is not a doctor but assistant.

Baby was cured after a week. In this date I'm still working. Not until my husband beg for what he'd done for us. for leaving us. I just stopped working after a week. Because I missed my baby so much. I am a callcenter agent. work at night then sleep at all day. again that time we dont have nanny.

I noticed baby sometimes sneeze at night and seems doesn't breath well it cause by the sweating on her back. i'm still trying to cure her of herbal medicines and it seems work. and it will come back if she have heavy sweating. that's why i'm always checking on her attentively. and checking what is bed is good for her, or sometimes she need fan sometimes not. I'm trying to give baby a healthy food because we live like that in our family. we don't have major problems in our health.

If you will ask what kind of health problem they have, it's transferrable. Her mother has a tubercolosis, my husband had an asthma and hepa. his brother had hepa too. the gay in their house is taking medicine too for hepa. I supposed to put away my baby to them because of their health issues. but i give way for my husband. and i dont want them to feel that they are not family for me. but i'm trying.

After that we're good. we forgot what happened to us after November. I even make her a Graham cake last christmas eve and they liked it. She just visit baby this January and asking permission for them to take care baby.

And i'm planning to look for a job again so we could earn and put up a business. I told it to my husband and he agreed. since MIL and I in good terms now I give chance to her. Again baby is fine before we give to them. after 2days she brought baby to their doctor and that's the start of the chaos.

I don't what to be scandalous. I want my husband will talk to his parents so I'm going to let him to get baby. and he agreed with it. because he is also thinking of what will happen just incase. Her mother is so talkative that she will not give you a space to talk. if the social welfare will be there it will be bias because they knew the social welfare. even I have rights we are on their house. and now we are waiting for the 1week that they are asking for us. but they are asking that we need to talk all of us. which is insane. she always said that she is just concerned to us. i'm also saying against her that she is too much in a way that she wants us to be a puppet. she keep on repeating that she is concerned in our baby.

But what my MIL doing to us make our family ruined. I'm happy now that my husband was enlightened that her mother is too much for us.

My in-laws used to work in our local government. i think until now. they are connected. after being of what he is in our government he just got a higher position in their chapter. My FIL is a soldier. They knew social welfare is. because their office is inside our city hall.

If all of us including the social welfare, doctors, us, them will talk. this will be bias in their part. since they knew the social welfare personally. If this will happen? what I supposed to do? do I really need to look for our lawyer? i dont want this to happen.. but she's trying to make it worst. And show that we are irresponsible parents to our child. and so fort.

When it comes to my husband. He is enlightened of what her mother doing to us. in my story at first he is loyal to his mother. but now he said that he is willing to give-up his mother for us. If we ( husband and I) will fight to her she doesn't have any rights at all? right?

I'm 23 my husband is 26. My MIL seems doesn't trust us because of our young age aside from her. But for us we are adult enough to handle our family.

please help me.. i dont know who could help us with this matter.



this is not so much a legal problem. when you get your child back, be tough and don't let her get the child back.

you are correct, she has no legal rights over the child, only the ones that you have allowed her to exercise.

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