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Arresto Menor


I am a regular employee for 2 years and 2 months. I am promoted last July 2010 and was confirmed already on my rank. Then there was a sudden changes that happened that without my consent they already finalized the transfer to another LOB. When I learned about it, I initially said for the trasnfer due to the fact that I have TMJ (Dislocated Jaw) and even cited that I will not be effective there. They gave me false hopes and promises which I reconsider because of as what they said the decision was already final. They said, I will be with that new LOB for just a week, then I need to secure med cert and talk to the appropriate person for the transfer back to my old LOB. Then, that concerned person arrived and all she can say was sorry and she admitted that it was all her fault for the transfer and did not consider my health condition. She said that at the very beginning I should have said no, i told her, I did, so many times. In addition to that, she said, once I said yes to the trasnfer, there's no turning back. I really don't get them, she said, oke, I'll send you back to your old LOB but you will be demoted, I said no, then I asked for other option and she said I don't have any, then she asked, what's your plans if you don't want the first option, you'll resign? So i was left with 2 no good option, so what I did, verbally, I said, stop it, I wil chose resign since I dnt have any other option anymore. But that whole day, I realize, that there was something wrong with the decion made, bcoz i just want to add, I never had a bad case in my company and I have been a good employee the whole time with a very good metrics and standing.\

I sent and escalated this to HR and hopefully they'll do something about this.

Can you help me with this? If you really want the whole statement, I can provide it for a better understanding.

You can reach me at:



by the language you use, i assume you work in the bpo industry, but i don't know what an LOB is. Is your dislocated jaw a permanent problem?

do i understand correctly? because of this condition, you could not properly perform the duties of the promoted position, but they still promoted you and you still accepted?


Arresto Menor

@serendipity25: congratulations for the promotion. i understand you have passed the "probationary period" for your new position already. being in a BPO industry is tough because of the competition.

i hope you can assess how your having a TMJ would affect your work in your new LOB. if it wouldn't affect THAT much, maybe you can give it a try.

one thing that i have learned in a BPO industry is that change is the only constant thing. all you need to do is to embrace it. you might regret resigning because you have a good record in the company.

one more thing, transferring an employee to another LOB like in your case is a management prerogative unless you have a very valid reason not to say "yes". that is why you need to evaluate the pros and cons of being transferred considering your TMJ. for all you know, you will be transferred back to your old LOB without any issues. hope all goes well with you.


Arresto Menor

attyLLL wrote:by the language you use, i assume you work in the bpo industry, but i don't know what an LOB is. Is your dislocated jaw a permanent problem?

do i understand correctly? because of this condition, you could not properly perform the duties of the promoted position, but they still promoted you and you still accepted?

Hi! Thank you for the response.

Yes. I am working on a BPO industry. My dislocated jaw now is under treatment and I cannot say that this is permanent for now.

I was promoted as an SME in Chat Support Line of Business and they wanted to transfer me to Voice Support a different line of business but same account. I was promoted as an SME March 12, 2010 in CHAT and I have my own team from then until this incident happened. I was a confirmed SME July 2010 and I was working for 2 years on the same account. Oct. 2008 I was with Voice until Feb 2009 as an agent, I was appointed and became Ambassador from February 2009 until November 2009 and there was a sudden change that all Ambies will go back to calls, that was fine because being an ambassador is not really a position with a paper. Then I went back, but December 2009 my dislocated jaw triggered again, which I didn't expect. So i undergone treatment again and went back with a medical cetrificate that I cannot continue, as my Boss if I have other option coz if I don't have I might leave the company for good. Since my Boss was so smart enough and he knows how I work and what my contribution in the account he immediately endorsed me to CHAT support and in 2 hours I am for training already Jan 4, 2010. Then, I became a CHAT Agent from Jan-march 12, 2010 and march 12, 2010 i was promoted as an SME. That's the story of my promotion. They kept me because management believed that I am an asset and I can really turn things around for the account and the company which I did and I proved it already.



Arresto Menor

For better undertsanding of my condition:

Temporomandibular Joint Disorder
Temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJD or TMD), or TMJ syndrome, is an umbrella term covering acute or chronic inflammation of the temporomandibular joint, which connects the mandible to the skull. The disorder and resultant dysfunction can result in significant pain and impairment. Because the disorder transcends the boundaries between several health-care disciplines — in particular, dentistry and neurology — there is a variety of treatment approaches.
The temporomandibular joint is susceptible to many of the conditions that affect other joints in the body, including ankylosis, arthritis, trauma, dislocations, developmental anomalies, and neoplasia.
An older name for the condition is "Costen's syndrome", after James B. Costen, who partially characterized it in 1934.
Signs and symptoms of temporomandibular joint disorder vary in their presentation and can be very complex, but are often simple. On average the symptoms will involve more than one of the numerous TMJ components: muscles, nerves, tendons, ligaments, bones, connective tissue, and the teeth.[5] Ear pain associated with the swelling of proximal tissue is a symptom of temporomandibular joint disorder.

Symptoms associated with TMJ disorders may be:
Biting or chewing difficulty or discomfort
Clicking, popping, or grating sound when opening or closing the mouth
Dull, aching pain in the face
Earache (particularly in the morning)
Headache (particularly in the morning)
Hearing loss
Migraine (particularly in the morning)
Jaw pain or tenderness of the jaw
Reduced ability to open or close the mouth
Neck and shoulder pain



Arresto Menor

Boss MO - Senior Program Manager (SPM)
Boss JP - Assistant Program Manager (APM)
Boss KD - Assistant Program Manager (APM)
Boss LC - Chat Escalations Supervisor
Boss LG - Voice Escalations Supervisor
Boss RP - Team Supervisor (my supervisor in CHAT before they transferred me to VOICE)
Boss CP - Team Supervisor (my supervisor in VOICE where I was assigned)
Boss O - Team Supervisor and the Boss where KD was assigned
Boss S - Team Supervisor and the Boss of J - SME
KD - Confirmed and tenured SME
RA - New SME
J - New SME

December 8, 2010 - They had a meeting about the sudden changes around 7am to 8am estimated time since I was out already of the office. I was sick the night of December 8, 2010 so I was not able to come to work. I learned the news from an agent who was only concerned of what happened since he knew that the news was, I was one of the SME's that will be transferred back to voice. He knows my TMJ that's why he was just concerned about my condition and I don't want to be transferred to that LOB. The time I learned this, I texted my escalations supervisor that I don't like because I have TMJ.
December 9, 2010 - Night time, TL LC talked to me about the changes. He said that the decision was made and I am one of the SME's that will be transferred as an SME to voice for the reason that I am one of the best SME's on the floor. I said, I don't want and I don't like. So this is the second time I said no. But he said, at the beginning that he learned these changes and he brought up my TMJ and he even told them that they might lose me if they will continue the transfer. So I said to TL LC that I might resign if they will do this. He advised me to seek medical certification from my doctor.


Arresto Menor

December 10, 2010 – In the morning, I was asked by Boss LG for a talk at our AT&T Laboratory Room with regards on the changes. Initial I said NO because I believed that I will not be effective on that LOB due to my TMJ. I just learned as well that my top management knew about my TMJ and just disregarded for the reason that I will not be taking in calls and I will be an SME in voice. But my concern was, I don't want my TMJ to be triggered again. Because of this, I got mad. It was a very selfish decision and no consideration at all and they should have asked me if I can, before finalizing the decision since I have a health issue. I am fit to work but I have limitations. During the talk with LG, I cited a lot of thing and below are some points:
*** I cannot take sup call because it might trigger my TMJ
*** I am an SME and how will I provide 100% support if I cannot take sup call and sup call is part of my job as part of the Escalations Team.
*** How can I build confidence to my agents like what I did back in chat if I cannot do one part of my job which is taking in sup call. Yes, I can do coaching, I can share best practices, I can equip them with knowledge and best of all I can motivate them but how about taking the escalations.
So Boss LG was asking a favor since the decision was made by Boss JP and she was not around due to the fact that she was admitted to the hospital, he was asking me to try voice even for just a week, with a condition that I will not be taking in any sup call. It will be TL CP my supervisor who's going to take it and other SME's available. I said, that's so unfair on TL CP’s part and on the part of the other SME's. I questioned them that what would they say, that I am the Boss, that I am your favorite and for how long? This is so unfair on their part. These are the same lines I told Boss MO when she entered and joined the meeting.
Since I know my condition well, I told them that I will not try or take even one sup call. Then Boss MO (Senior Program Manager, higher that everyone in this story) came inside the lab as well. I don't want to say anything but since I respect her that much and knowing that she's my SPM and my boss, I told the whole story about my TMJ from the very beginning. She asked me these following questions:


Arresto Menor

*** So if chat will be dissolved, what would be your plans? - If this is the end of God's plan for me here in xxxxx, I will be glad to be dissolved together with the LOB.
*** What's your plan after Suxxxxxx? - Pursue what I like... Photography.
Since the decision was already made, and there was an option provides which, I will not take sup call and wait for Boss JP to come back so that we will talk, I secured my medical certificate for my transfer back to chat and as a proof about my condition, I trusted my higher management so much.
My first week and first day came.
December 11, 2010 - I texted Boss JP regarding the transfer that I don't like the idea and I might resign if they will really do it. She replied and said we will talk once she's back. I can show you the text.
December 13, 2010 - This si my first day with the Team as a voice SME. It was awkward. One sup call coming right up. I did not took it and it was TL CP. It was a big deal and a slap on my face; I felt I am not an SME. I can't stand it and cried again. I am not doing my job in the right way. I even compose something on my outlook despite of the bad feeling I have; I can provide copy for it if you want.
December 14, 2010 - Second day... I hate it. I am stressed so much because of a high expectation aside from that I am emotionally stressed because at the end of the day I am not productive and I it was not fulfilling because I cannot perform well. It feels like hell. I feel that I am not the BEST SME that they were talking before. I talked again to Boss LG, telling him for the 4th time, please spare me, I cannot take it anymore. I am not being effective like what I told you and Boss MO at the very beginning. He said, just for one week then wait for Boss JP and talk to her. Again, due to the fact that I love my job, I respect people so much, go! I agreed again. I asked Boss KD when will be Boss JP coming back, she said the next day.


Arresto Menor

December 15, 2010 - I was not able to come to work due to the fact that I had a migraine, I am not really sure if this is due to the reason that it was a very stressful week for me.
December 16, 2010 - I had fever and was not able to come to work again. I texted both TL LC and Boss LG. I asked Boss RP when will be Boss JP coming back, he said the next day. The bottom line here is that I really waited for Boss JP because I respect them and I don't want to bypass anyone.
December 17-18, 2010 - OFF
December 19, 2010 - VL
December 20, 2010 - I came to work, do my thing, analyzed the opportunities of the team, support partially, no sup call please, coached the agents regarding T2, CRR, AHT and provided tips on how to lower them. I asked again, when is Mommy Jhing coming back, someone said the next day, I am still hoping and I can't wait on her come back.


Arresto Menor

December 21, 2010 - The unfair JUDGEMENT DAY! I came to the office early because I wanted to see my former team in chat and bring them their Christmas presents. I was there around 2:30am. TL CP saw me and he said Boss JP was looking for me, I said no since my shift starts 4am. Then Boss JP came, asking me for a talk, I said again, no since it was only 3:15am and it was not the start of my shift though. I also told her the reason why I came early, because I wanted to bring my Christmas gift to my former agents. 5 minutes before 4am I was already with my team and supporting them all the way. Then after a while they called a meeting with the supervisors (CP, JM, OL) and 2 SME's (Me and P). We talked something about how we will work as a team. Then after the short meeting, I was asked to stay for the talk. During the talk, I have my medical certificate with me stating a request to be transferred to a non-voicing account, I can provide you a copy of it and a document regarding what TMJ really means for better understanding. The conversation goes like this...
First of all, Boss JP told me the truth that it was all her decision to bring me to voice because she wanted the best on her team since I was able to show everyone a very good and consistent performance and for 2 straight months without any supervisor and me alone I was able to give a 80% Netsat and an almost good metrics for the team back in chat. (Yes, I am a confirmed SME, I have no case, No lates, No NCNS or Absences without any reasons at all, just in case I have one it was because of my TMJ and Bone Edema Syndrome, I come to work even do I am sick because I am able to work and a lot of people can prove this to all of you and I can even support the whole chat cluster which I did and done that, that's how loyal and workaholic I am and I take responsibilities to the fullest, you can check my records and everything.)


Arresto Menor

She said, I should have said NO at the very beginning when I learned about the big changes. Oh my gosh, I said NO so many times, that was I told her. I texted Boss LC, I emailed and I even send a Q Messenger but both TL LC and Boss LG's hands are tied already because all the decision was made and Boss JP was not around for more than a week. I am not happy of what Boss JP told me. She admitted as well that it was a wrong move and decision made and she was apologizing about what happened. This really made me mad. I told them, why did Boss LG gave me option, why did everyone tells me to wait for you then all that you can tell me now is sorry, then she also added that once I said yes to the transfer there's no turning back. Another not so good explanation because no one ever told me at the beginning, even LG, Boss LC or even Boss MO (SPM). What have they done to me, they ruined my life despite of all the very good contributions starting day 1 of AT&T U-Verse. I told her the story from December 9, 2010 until the day I was talking to her. She said, this could not happen if she was just there, hello, why will you tell me that, you're in the hospital so if you really care and if my SMP Boss MO really cares and understand my situation they should have made a decision already without waiting for Boss JP (She is our APM - Assisstant Program Manager), lower than Boss MO our SPM). I also learned that the management gave the authority to Boss JP to decide for everything. Then she asked, what do I want, I said, all I am asking is to bring me back to my old team, Team Rising Ninja (Chat) under Boss RP and continue what I have left until the last day of chat. She said, she cannot because once you said yes for the transfer there's no turning back. Another not so good reason, I cannot accept that reason at all. Then, she went into another meeting. When she got back, she said, here is the least that I can do. We will bring you back to chat, but not as an SME and you will taking in chat, I said, No Way! I am a confirmed SME with a lot of contributions for this account and this company, it's like you are demoting me? She said, she cannot ask SME - RA to step down for me because she is the new SME of Team Rising Ninja (which is my former team in Chat). I ask why not, they said, they just wanted to avoid what other people will say in the floor. But my question here is that, SME - RA is just a new SME and she's still under probation, she is not a confirmed. Another thing, from KD's cluster (another cluster), Team O was dissolved since Boss O resigned, all of her agents was distributed, KD the SME was now the SME of Team S and he was a confirmed SME and J which is also a new SME and who’s not yet confirmed was the one who went back to an agent. So why cannot she do the same with me? That's my big question? I would like valid reasons and ground for this kind of not so good decision. They keep on telling me and sugar coat a lot of things about me and I don't believe them anymore. She even said after those sugar coated words and lines... "Tintin, I am so much disappointed with you!". Wow, coming from my own Boss. Another thing that triggers my anger. She even added that she doesn't like the idea that TL CP and other SME's will take my sup calls. In the end, she laid again her cards, and told me, here's my option, first, they can send me back to chat but as agent or second was a resignation. I asked for other option, I ask how about other admin open jobs or any other since I am fit to work but with limitations, she said no. So to finish the conversation, I said, stop Boss, enough, I will just choose resign but I want to finish this month. She said, I cannot, beacuse I don't have a team to support anymore, it was like, oppppsss... so fast, how come, I have work and schedule until Sunday. So verbally, I said Yes, I will resign but in my heart I don't want to leave the company. Until today I did not apply for a resignation in intra. I approached Boss LG, asking him if I have other option and he said no as well. So I was amazed of this kind of approach since all I know I am a regular employee and what happened with my account was not my fault, I was given a false promise. All I said at the end was, can you please give me the floor to cry because I was hurt so much with you so unfair decision. Oh, by the way, I forgot to mention... She asked me this:


Arresto Menor

***Bakit nalaman ng mga agents na umiiyak at umiyak ka? - Boss, nung unang araw na kinausap ako nila LG at MO dito sa lab, my pumasok na agent na taga chat, e kilala ako, so sympre nagtaka, paglabas ko, ma-dedeny ko ba, e mugto mata ko.
*** Bakit alam ng mga agents at tao na magreresign ka? - Boss, malay ko, I have few friends who knows this, siguro dahil nakikita nilang sayang ako. Di namana ko ma-kwentong tao eh.
*** There was a third question but I cannot remember it anymore.
I was just curious why she asked those questions from me.
In the end, before she left the laboratory room, she said, "masakit ang puso at ulo ko ngayon, because I am going to lose a person like you in my team!". Ahh... Okay, if you really have a heart and you're smart enough on your decision, you know how to save me though, but they left me with a not so good & fair decision at all.


Arresto Menor

*** 1st, I said NO at the time I learned the changes.
*** 2nd, they gave me all false hopes and promises in fact, I trusted them.
*** 3rd, my health reason is valid.
*** 4th, they should have given me more options since they admitted that it was their fault.
*** 5th, the medical certificate I have with me was not a resignation letter but a request from my ortho doctor to be transfer to a non-voicing account or job due to my TMJ, but she taught it was an immediate resignation though.
*** 6th, I waited for Boss JP to come back because I don’t want to bypass anyone.
*** 7th, Boss LC and Boss told them at the very beginning when they laid down all the names of the SME's that I have TMJ (Dislocated Jaw).
*** 8th, I just wanted to know the truth, get a fair judgement and to stop this kind of a not so good decision so that this will not happen again to my other co-worker.




serendipity, i offer my utmost apologies. you mentioned the name of your employer (which i edited out), and i'm afraid i can no longer comment because of a conflict of interest.

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