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Sick Leave

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1Sick Leave Empty Sick Leave Thu Nov 12, 2015 9:14 pm


Arresto Menor

Hi Atty,

Need your advice on what actions to take.  I got sick (and hospitalized) and was advised by the doctor to rest for a month.  My company provides 10 days for sick leave.  I incurred a total of 21 days, thus, 11 days unpaid by the company.  I submitted SSS claim for the 11 days that my company will not pay (still waiting as our HR say SSS is still processing it).  Our company pays half of my monthly base pay every 15th and 30th.  The problem came when I received a notice on a Tuesday that they will deduct the excess SL that I filed and provided a computation which is more than what I received from the previous pay period.  I asked if the deductions can be done in 2 pay periods rather than 1 as the amount is too high and I fear that I will not have any take home pay.  And my fear was realized as today I saw that the full amount was deducted from my pay and 13th month.  Without the 13th month, I would still owe the company.  I find it very heartless.  Need your advice.  Thank you.

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