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Sick Leave

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1Sick Leave Empty Sick Leave Tue May 23, 2017 2:17 pm


Arresto Menor

To whom it may concern,

I am writing this email to ask for your assistance in dealing with a THREAT by my immediate supervisor.
I was diagnosed with Diabetes today, which needs further medical test and evaluation. I was recommended to rest until proper treatment is given.

In line with this, I notified my TeamLead about the situation but was asked to take a picture of myself lying in the Emergency Room, showing my wrist tag as proof, or else I will be tagged as NCNS.

I felt threatened with his statement. I am sick and I am very sensitive about my current medical situation, imagine me working with this kind of person. I felt completely degraded that it is now affecting my well-being. I will attach a screenshot of our conversation. Provided that I have this kind of evidence I am wondering what kind of legal move should I make against this kind of unfair treatment.

Please let me know if I could provide additional information.

Karl Querol

2Sick Leave Empty Re: Sick Leave Tue May 23, 2017 3:04 pm


Reclusion Perpetua

no legal move, this is an internal matter. You should file a grievance with your HR.

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