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Educational plan - Court rehab

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1Educational plan - Court rehab Empty Educational plan - Court rehab Tue Nov 03, 2015 3:38 pm


Arresto Menor


Case is, my sister's educational plan has matured pero the company went under rehabilitation program.

When I called them to know the process of claiming, they asked me kung may nareceive akong letter. Very vague, malay ko kung anung letter.

Apparently the cc agent was referring to the status of APEC na under sya ng court rehab.

We didnt get any. So I requested through email and still waiting for the  delivery of the soft copy.

Pero there's one I found sa web. Eto yata yung sinasabi ng callcenter agent ng APEC:(pm me. I am not allowed to post external links yet)

Sabi nya ulit, nag release na ng 2nd letter indicating the claim. We received a letter na naka indicate yung receivable, which is less than 2% of the capital.

May magagawa pa bang action dito para mabawi man lang yung capital?

Please enlighten me.

and we're not alone on this matter: www(dot)pinoymoneytalk(dot)com/forum/index(dot)php?topic=19854.45

Maraming salamat!

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