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Back pay question

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1Back pay question Empty Back pay question Wed Dec 01, 2010 9:42 pm


Arresto Menor

In addition to my previous post, I would also like to know - Are AWOL (for whatever reason) and eventually terminated employees entitled to get their back pay?

I get this question a lot from other employees. I tried looking this up in the Labor code but I'm quite confused. I think I asked this question from HR peeps in our center, and I believe she said NO, meaning No back pay for AWOL-TERMINATED employees?
Is this really stipulated in the labor code?

Thank you,


2Back pay question Empty Re: Back pay question Fri Dec 03, 2010 11:31 pm



they are entitled to get paid for days they actually worked. back pay is due if the nlrc decides you were illegally terminated.

3Back pay question Empty Additional question to Backpay... Sat Dec 04, 2010 12:04 am


Arresto Menor

Thanks. Additional question:

The employee was legally terminated, due to AWOL. As you said, that employee is still entitled to back pay, but what about 13th month pay and tax refund, is that due to the employee?

4Back pay question Empty Re: Back pay question Mon Dec 06, 2010 4:51 pm



before we get confused, in labor law, back pay is a legally precise legal term referring to damages due to an employee after he is illegally dismissed.

if an employee is validly dismissed for abandonment, he is entitled to payment of days he actually worked, proportionate 13th month, tax refund. these cannot be withheld as a form of punishment.

5Back pay question Empty Re: Back pay question Sat Nov 26, 2011 11:48 am


Arresto Menor

To attyLL,

Is it legal to send the demand letter to the owner of the company? or would be better to send it to the human resources only? thanks..

6Back pay question Empty Re: Back pay question Mon Nov 28, 2011 8:48 am


Arresto Menor

in light of the topic i had a question to our good lawyers, does the certificate of employment a company's prerogative?

7Back pay question Empty Re: Back pay question Tue Dec 27, 2016 2:02 pm


Arresto Menor

Sir what if naman po nagresign immediately ang empleyado. leaving behind many tasks hanging. ang letter of resignation nya ay effective immediately. ano naman po ang habol ng employer sa employee na nagpasa na lang ng resignation without 30day notice?

8Back pay question Empty Re: Back pay question Tue Dec 27, 2016 2:32 pm


Reclusion Perpetua

employer can sue him for damages

9Back pay question Empty Re: Back pay question Wed Dec 28, 2016 5:28 pm


Arresto Menor

Hi to all,
Sir/Madam please help me with this. I am just confused if I am entitled for or I was working under agency at admin in an amusement park owned by SM. My contract was 2 yrs but after 7 mos my boss told us that We have to turn over all the admin management to the new management of SM and we are advised immediately that on the same week will be our last day and we have to go back to our agency at Manila. after going back to agency they were giving us a new project which is far from my previous location with the same salary and if we were not going to accept the job. we have to voluntarily resign. please help me on what i was entitled for.

*I did not recieved early notice that our last day will be a few days to go.
*My last day on work was Oct. 3, 2016 and until now I didnt recieved my final pay or separation pay but they told me that the maximum time frame was only 2 months.
*I work from February 19-October 3, 2016 of same year.

10Back pay question Empty Re: Back pay question Wed Jan 11, 2017 10:31 pm


Arresto Menor


Yung asawa ko po kase is regular employee ng isanf fast food chain sa may Ortigas. Nagresign po sya nung January 5. Nagresign po immediately yung asawa ko kase di na nya kaya yung masasakit na salita na naririnig nya galing sa RM nila and a week before po sya magresign nagpaalam sya na magleleave sya kase may family gathering kame pero yung day na dapat leave nya binigyan padin sya ng schedule. No choice asawa ko kundi magresign na lang po kase priority nya family namin and di na nga po nya kaya yung ginagawa sa kanila ng manager nila. May isang araw pa po sya pinasok before sya magresign. Ask ko lang po may makukuha pa po ba dapat na back pay ang asawa ko o wala na? Salamat po.

11Back pay question Empty Re: Back pay question Thu Jan 12, 2017 9:11 am


Reclusion Perpetua

meron dapat kang makuha na 1 day na final pay. Hindi back pay ang tawag dun. pero makuha mo yan after clearance. Normal wait time is around 60 days

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